25 February 2021

“Understood Betsy” by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Understood Betsy 
by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

First published in 1916, Understood Betsy depicts the tale of Elizabeth Ann. An orphan, she is raised in the city by her great-aunt Harriet and her cousin Frances. Although the pair are capable in caring for young Elizabeth, their existence is a sheltered one. To Elizabeth's surprise, her mother's family - who live in rural Vermont - find her and offer her a place in their country home. Although Harriet has reservations about the manner in which the Putneys raise children, she duly packs Elizabeth off to stay there. Much of the novel regards Elizabeth's adapting to the countryside - many of the duties which are taken care of for her in the city are expected of her there. However the beauty of the country, and the practical things she learns during her upbringing, are ultimately to her benefit.
(from Amazon)

My Review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
5+ stars & 8/10 hearts. I love this book so much. I have read it many times, but I still love it so much. So sweet, relaxing, quiet-paced, realistic... and the reading of “The Stag at Eve” is so beautiful. <3 There are only a few mild euphemisms. It's written for a younger audience but that never bothered me, and I strongly encourage everyone to read it. ^_^ It is seriously so good. 

A Favourite Short Quote: “‘There were real people living when the Declaration of Independence was signed—real people, not just history people—old women teaching little girls how to do things—right in this very room, on this very floor—and the Declaration of Independence just signed!’
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: “The little girl's heart beat fast. She fled along through the next lines, stumbling desperately over the hard words but seeing the headlong chase through them clearly as through tree-trunks in a forest.”
A Favourite Humourous Quote: “Betsy looked feverishly among the bottles ranged on the counter, selected two marked ginger ale, and glared at their corrugated tin stoppers. How *did* you get them open?
‘Here's your opener,’ said the man, ‘if that's what you're looking for.[’]”

11 February 2021

“Fair in War” by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick

Fair in War

(The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott, Book 8)
by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick

She expected popcorn and cheap prizes -- not a front-row seat to crime and conspiracy...
When Brent's brother Carter, unexpectedly arrives in Phoenix bearing important intel, Brent disappears into their world of espionage and world-saving, leaving Emily feeling left out. Telling herself she doesn't really belong in their world anyway, she determines to enjoy her afternoon at the state fair with Izzy.
But as she sees more and more familiar faces in the crowds and among the vendors, and when Izzy is arrested by security on trumped-up charges, it becomes clear something more is going on. She's never been happier to accidentally run into Brent Peterson, but finding Izzy might come down to her own determination more than either of them expect.
"The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott" is a series of clean spy-comedies set in Phoenix, Arizona.
(From Goodreads)

My Review:
⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎

5 stars & 5/10 hearts. Okay, so did I read this in maybe 30 minutes flat? Yes. Did I freak out at the end? Yes. Am I more hooked than ever? YES!! Oh, man, I LOVED the interaction between Brent and Carter!! It was sooo awesome. Emily & Brent were as fun as ever. And Santa barely showed up but he was pretty cool. XD This was a very intense story with a crazy plot but so, so cool and snaps some more pieces from the past 7 books into place. This one does deal with a sensitive/triggering/intense issue, so recommended for ages 14-16+ depending on sensitivity. 


A Favourite Humorous Quote: “Carter glared at Brent. ‘But this  mission? Surely you can see why this is possibly the worst idea you’ve had since you decided to try making a candle out of pieces of straw tied together with baling twine.’
“Brent rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Look, she was already here at the fair…. I didn’t ask her here. And at this point, it’s safest for her to be where I can keep an eye on her—don’t you think? This is nothing like the candle incident. That was literally 20 years ago.’”

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

6 February 2021

“A Bride's Troubles” by Angie Thompson

A Bride's Troubles
(A Heart's Cry Series, Book 2)
 by Angie Thompson

"Oh, what change a day can make!"
Lucy's life has never looked brighter than since her recent engagement, and she pours out her raptures as usual in letters to her older brother. But clouds are gathering beyond her vision, and her commitment is soon to be tested in ways she never expected.
When the storm unleashes its fury, can Paul help her find her way? Or will her chance for happiness be lost forever?
A short story
(From Goodreads)

My Review:
⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
5 stars & 5/10 hearts. What a lovely story. <33 Paul always was amazing, but his wisdom and care in this book is just so sweet and lovely. Lucy’s growth and maturing is lovely too. There’s just so many nuggets of wisdom in this book, all mixed up with humour and sweet moments, and neatly packaged in delightful, old-fashioned writing. <33 

A Favourite Quote: “Take the matter to prayer, little sister, and keep a quiet and gentle spirit when it is under discussion, and God will show you the best way forward.”
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “I do not say, of course, that you should lounge on the sofa all day and leave Jack to make his own cold meals, then burst out with a grand serenade in the evening and imagine you have fulfilled your duties to him[.]”

*I received a copy of this book from the author but I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest opinions.*

2 February 2021

“Live Without You” by Sarah Grace Grzy

Live Without You
(Live Without You Series, Book 1)
 by Sarah Grace Grzy

Piper Redding is a loner, but lonely. Everyone she loves has abandoned her and opening her heart to others is just asking for more pain. She can’t help but blame herself for her brother’s tragic death six years ago, and in her guilt, she shuts herself off from the world. No one could love her—not even the God who promised to be there for her but wasn’t. 
For paramedic Ezra Bryant, failure is not an option. He’s had enough of it, and only by God’s grace is he able to put it behind him. But when a traumatic event brings Piper’s greatest fear and Ezra’s failures to light, can they use that event to allow God to mend their broken pieces? Can love triumph over fear, and grace over guilt?
(From Amazon)

My Review:
⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
4 stars & 4/10 hearts. I really deeply enjoyed this book. I loved most parts—not all, but a good 2/3 of it. I loved Piper’s brokenness, and Ezra’s. I loved the raw, beautiful emotions. (I teared up a couple times). I loved the humour. I loved Paul and Tyler. I loved Miss Cecile. I loved most of the spiritual content (so many beautiful quotes). There were three things that lowered my enjoyment and consequently, my rating. One, Piper and Ezra were hugging all the time, even before they got engaged. And all that touching... I know he was a medic, but it still makes me cringe. There was also some forehead/finger/hair kissing. I also didn’t like that Piper’s salvation was not at all explained. I had no clue she got saved and I have no idea how Ezra knew. The whole things of “sensing” God I’m not sure about either. And Ezra’s sort-of vision... Also, I found the last 1/3 of the look a little cliché. But I loved the greater portion of the book... and it was superbly well written. I am definitely looking forwards to more by this author!!

A Favourite Quote: “What had happened to Paul anyway? He would have been . . . Ezra quickly did the mental math. Twenty-four. Too young to die, most would say. But Ezra knew better. Everything happens for a reason.
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: “Mug in hand, she curled up on the couch with one of her favorite historical novels. Peace settled her mind and heart at the familiarity of routine and the homelike comfort of her favorite drink and story combined.
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “Ezra cleared his throat and spoke up. ‘Well, at least it’s not your right arm,’ he said with a grin, gesturing to her sling.
“Piper stared at him blankly for a second before blinking. ‘I’m left-handed.’
“‘The grin slid off his face. ‘Oh.’”

*I received an ARC of this book from the author in return of my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my own opinions.*