6 January 2023

“Titanic: The Shocking Truth” (2012)

Titanic: The Shocking Truth

Also known as Why They Sank the Titanic

Brief Description:

The Titanic sank on April 14, 1912 - or did it? This documentary explores the conspiracy that in fact it was Titanics sister ship the Olympic that sank on that fateful night, and provides evidence that it was one of the greatest insurance frauds ever.

(taken from Tubi + IMDb)

Date: 2012

Genre: Documentary

Running time: 52 minutes


Peter Willis (Self - Presenter)

Tony Caprari (J. Bruce Ismay)

Mike Thomson (Lord Pirrie)

Danny Keogh (Government Official)

Dennis Bennyworth (Captain Smith)

Gordon van Rooyen (Prime Minister)

Nick Lorentz (Government Heavy)

Peter Krummeck (Lightholler)

Rob van Vuuren (Fred Fleet)

Michael Copley (Californian Officer)

Gerry Maritz (Lord Mersey)

James Hitchkock (Paddy)

Director: Tim Spring 

Production company: Streetcar Moving Pictures 

IMDb page

Watch on Tubi

I’ve never heard very much of the conspiracy theory surrounding the Olympic and Titanic, but so I was very interested in what this documentary had to say. However, it failed at convincing me of anything. I had to take breaks from watching because I got so irritated at their lack of evidence. While they claimed all sorts of things and twisted many facts to suit their POV, they failed to dispel any logical arguments on the other side (for instance, as they claim that Stanley Lord was dispatched to wait for the Titanic in the ice field, they also say that the reason everyone said the Californian would come rescue them was because they knew ahead of time—fully ignoring the fact that the Californian had sent SEVERAL MESSAGES stating they were right near by).

They also insinuate the reason prominent people refused to go on the Titanic was because they had information it might sink and that the excuses were bogus, ignoring other very logical possibilities; and point out the reason the boat was only 2/3 full might be because White Star Line may have purposefully not allowed people to get on—ignoring the fact that people were genuinely terrified the Titanic was already doomed! 

Finally, their “reinactments” were in no way based on fact, surpassed creative licence, and became fully fabrication, at which point I lost all respect for the presenters and had no more credence to give them. 

They did give me some information I didn’t have previously, such as E.J. Smith being a bad captain, but having heard contrary information from much more credible quarters, I am suspicious of such claims and mean to compare it to other sources. They also made a few valid points (such as the portholes, the propeller, and the letters on the hull), but monumentally failed at any sort of legitimacy that made me take them seriously. I will be reading more about this conspiracy, but I am fully inclined to believe it is bogus. 1/5 stars.

5 January 2023

“Titanic: The History & Maiden Voyage of the Luxury Liner” (2017)


The History & Maiden Voyage of the Luxury Liner

Brief Description:

This documentary uncovers the facts behind the tragedy of the RMS Titanic, a British passenger liner that sank on April 15th, 1912.

(from Tubi)

Date: 2017

Genre: Documentary

Running time: 29 minutes

Production company: Janson Media

IMDb page

Watch on Tubi

3/5 stars. A very brief and basic narration of the Titanic. Worth watching, even if it isn’t very deep. 

4 January 2023

“Who Sank the Titanic?” (2009)

Who Sank the Titanic?

Brief Description:

Reveals the chain of misjudgments, human errors and misfortunes that would cause the sinking of the Titanic.

(from Tubi)

Date: 2009

Genre: Documentary 

Running time: 1 hour 8 minutes

Director: Patrick Reams

Production company: 

Watch on YouTube

(watched on Tubi)

This was a fantastic production! There was a lot to learn, especially new info on what caused the Titanic to sink. I appreciated how the film didn’t villanize or sanctify anyone, just stated the facts. The reenactments really brought to life the people that lived through it (and boy, those Marconi operators… wow. What a tragedy). 5/5 stars! 

Content: some language 

3 January 2023

“Mysteries from the Grave: Titanic” (2022)

Mysteries from the Grave: Titanic

Brief Description:

Years after the tragic journey, we take viewers below deck to understand how an unsinkable ship was lost along with 1,500 souls. New stories continue to emerge, and time is running out to decode its remaining secrets still lying on the Atlantic Ocean floor.

(from Tubi)

Date: April 8, 2022

Genre: Documentary 

Running time: 1 hour 24 minutes

IMDb Page

Watch on Tubi

I have always been fascinated with the Titanic and have read everything I could get my hands on about it; consequentially, I know a lot of the information typically given in brief documentaries. This one, however, was a pleasant surprise with some new information about third class passengers (such as Joseph Laroche & family, Leah Aks, and Fang Lang), plus some “afterwards” on the survivors (most notably, Jack Thayer). I didn’t actually watch this film—only listened to it as I worked—but I did glance at it once or twice and saw that there were some pictures, and what appeared to be animations. I plan to rewatch this soon and give it 5 stars overall.