16 March 2021

“Promise’s Prayer” by Erika Mathews

Promises Prayer 

(Truth From Taerna Series, Book 1)

 by Erika Mathews

Kaelen is restless for adventure and relentless in his efforts to bring the land of Taerna back to the blessings of Adon Olam and the prosperity of the days of his ancestors. Fueled by a solemn promise and his mother's secret, he finds himself in the forefront of a desperate scheme that is crucial to Taerna’s future. Can he keep his promise? Can he save the people of Taerna from the corruption and rampant lawlessness that threaten them with extinction?
Shy and quiet Carita knows she possesses what Taerna’s people so desperately need. But how can she help them when her own soul is simultaneously tormented by witnessing unmet needs and handicapped by her own paralyzing fears?
When Kaelen and Carita come face to face with the true nature of Adon Olam's call, will they each choose to embrace Adon Olam's plan for Taerna—and for their own lives?
(From Goodreads)

My Review:
⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
5+ stars & 8/10 hearts. Wow. I wasn’t sure if I would love this book. I mean, I ADORE the new cover (all the bluuuuue). But medieval kingdom fiction is usually a hit-or-miss for me. However, this book was an awesome cross between allegory and medieval kingdom fiction. While the land was imaginary, the situation reminded me strongly of the way our world works (and has always worked). The book has some serious messages. I really liked the characters (Carita <33 I want to be a Carita), and I was impressed by how the plot worked—kept me hooked without being tense. The only little thing that bugged me was that sometimes the dialogue and the narration became pretty modern and rather jolted me. But I became used to it after a while. As for the themes—!! Wow. I needed them so badly. Saving the world—how does one save the world? This book has the answer. So much of what I am struggling with right now, this book reminded me of the truths. I fully, completely, absolutely recommend this to EVERYONE, but especially those who struggle with depression & wanting to do more for the Lord... anyone who’s dissatisfied with their life, basically. It is amazing.

Content: veiled & frequent mentions to “houses of pleasure,” lust abounding, & girls being kidnapped for pleasure.

A Favourite Quote: “Kaelan, the work is His. That means the methods must be His. The timing must be His. And above all things, it must be bathed in prayer for His blessing. No step can be taken without Him.
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: “Carita raised her face to the vivid blue sky. “This is a wonderful time of year,” she sighed in delight. “I’m glad Adon Olam made autumn to last so long. It’s like a season of delight before the cold winter shuts us in.” 
Yes,” Kaelan agreed.The harvest is in, and now is the time for rest, joy, and delighting in the glories of the season.
A Favourite Humorous Quote: ““Briefly, my business is to bring to the people Adon Olam’s purpose, that the prosperity and blessings of old times may be once again restored.” 
That sounds well; and how do you intend to go about such an important business?

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

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14 March 2021

“Fanny’s Hope Chest” by Sarah Holman

Fanny’s Hope Chest
 by Sarah Holman

How old is too old for a hope chest?
When Ellie starts a new job as a home health aid, she doesn't expect to meet a woman in her eighties looking for her hope chest, nor a house as messy as Ellie's own emotional state. But as she cleans up Fanny's house, she begins to wonder if Fanny's hope chest might hold the answers to her questions about disappointed dreams and holding on to hope.
That is, if she can face both the mess and her own heart.
(From Goodreads)

My Review:
⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
5+ stars & 6/10 hearts. This story came just when I needed it.
It is a great book for singles. Really. There is so much hope and good advice and help. But it's also a good book for ANYONE. I've been struggling hard with my dreams and giving up on them or having them change. This book really touched me and helped me realize some things. The topics of faith, hope, and trust resonated so much with me. This book is just jam-packed with good quotes!! I totally recommend it for anyone who is struggling with feeling God is taking your dreams from you or not letting them come true. <33

A Favourite Quote: “How do you let go of your dreams?” 
“Daily, that’s how you do it. There are big and small ways that this life disappoints us: things that hurt, and often our plans get thrown out the window. We have to remember that through every one of those moments, God is not only with us, but He has a plan.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

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Sarah Holman lives in central Texas with her amazing family. When not working on her next novel, she can usually be found hanging out with her siblings, reading, or taking long walks. If there is anything adventuresome about her life, it’s because she serves a God with a destiny bigger than anything she could have imagined.

12 March 2021

“As the Heavens Are Higher” by Courtenay Burden

As the Heavens Are Higher
by Courtenay Burden

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” —Isaiah 55:9
Adelaide Westall had always believed that God’s ways were higher than earthly ways. She had just always imagined that God’s plan and her plan would have some similarities. A family of penniless orphans facing a hopeless future in a factory city—a heartbroken noblewoman shut up inside a forbidding fortress of grief and reserve—and a mysterious painting of a calm-faced pilgrim were all destined to challenge Adelaide’s faith in unexpected ways. Only God could orchestrate a plan high enough to reach them all.
Set amongst the rolling hills of the English border country, this story of Victorian life is a poignant reminder that we serve a God who brings light out of darkness, who works good out of evil, whose ways are higher than our ways—as the heavens are higher than the earth.
(From Goodreads)

My Review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
5+ stars & 7/10 hearts. What a beautiful story! I really enjoyed it. It was a restfully slow-paced, and yet intriguing and hooking. I really enjoyed all the characters (even Richard, who at first was really a pain to me). I particularly loved Lady B! (And the Duke xD). I really liked the plot as well. Sir H. was a greta addition. I was really impressed how well the plot was crafted. The writing style was delightful as well—old-fashioned but perfectly easy to understand. Also, I was very impressed by how accurate and well-researched this was. Finally, the themes/messages/lessons were SO good! I really appreciated them all. Overall, it was really a wonderful book and I highly recommend it!

A Favourite Quote: “…I thought of the verse I read yesterday, ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.’ Of course, kindness and consideration are part of the ‘way’ God means us to take. And it seems to me … that we shouldn’t get vexed over the disagreeable things that come along. Because they might be part of a bigger plan.” 
“Yes,” said her aunt, “I should think they generally are. Or more precisely, they are part of a higher plan. We can’t say whether a splattering of ink is a link in some great and noble chain, or merely a call to everyday kindness. I was thinking—in my solitary train ride—whether little things, after all, don’t make up the most important part of life. They certainly make up the greater.
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: “Rolling hills and green valleys stretched away on every side. Heather and gorse were tinting the pastures with purple and gold. The whole landscape lay peaceful and serene, while above—far above—stretched the vast blue heavens in all their glory.
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “‘Well, the storms that come up suddenly go off just as fast,’ Lady Bradstock declared. ‘I had a great-uncle Andrew who told a tale of the day he was caught in a rainstorm while following the hounds. He was wet to the skin riding ten yards to a little wood for shelter, but by the time he reached it, the rain had stopped! That’s his portrait on the north wall, you know[.]”
….This particular storm did not follow the illustrious example of the shower in Uncle Andrew’s tale. It continued in full force until Adelaide thought Uncle Andrew might have ridden all the way to Sherwood Forest and still have had cause to be thankful for the trees when he reached them.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

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2 March 2021

“Never Say Goodbye” by Sarah Grace Grzy

Never Say Goodbye
(Live Without You Series, Book 2)
 by Sarah Grace Grzy

They say time heals all wounds. But he was finding it a poor painkiller.
Tyler Collens has seen grief and loss in his years of experience as a paramedic—but he never expected it to touch his life in such a personal way. The death of his wife eighteen months ago shook his steady world and changed him in more ways than he can count. Time and routine have steadied his feet, and he looks toward the future as he raises his infant daughter—but the past has a tighter grip on him than he knows.
Alyvia Emmerson has never been certain of who she is or where she belongs. Her dad’s abandonment as a teen broke a fragile piece of her heart, but ten years later, she has moved on. Living on her own, she at last has a project to devote herself to: revitalizing a shabby bookstore. But she didn’t count on her dream job revealing the shattered pieces of herself she thought mended long ago.
In this sophomore novel featuring beloved characters from Live Without You, Sarah Grace Grzy explores themes of grief and hope in a story that touches both the heart and spirit.
(From Amazon)

My Review:
⭐⭐ & ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
4.5 stars & 5/10 hearts. I was so excited for this story, and I was not disappointed. It’s faster paced and more dramatic than Live Without You, with more characters and more action. I loved Ty before, and I loved him more than ever in this book. He was such an amazing daddy and amazing medic. (He and Lilah... <33). Alyvia was humorous and sweet, and I loved her family. There are quite a few euphemisms (and one especially in the middle of a prayer), and this with some hugging drops my review by half a star. I also felt like God wasn’t really a big part of the story—for a Christian Fiction book, I expected a little more. I loved seeing Ez, Piper, and their kids; I teared up more than once; and I love the message and theme. Also, the sarcasm. XD All in all, definitely a book I love and I’m so glad I got to read it!

A Favourite Quote: “‘You can’t save the world, Tyler. You were never created to, and you’re gonna fail every time you try. Because only one Person can do that job. And He never fails.’”
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: “[A] simple, soft, sad melody sounded out. Closing his eyes, he let his fingers pour out the notes he couldn’t put into words, the melody rising as a prayer. After several minutes, it crescendoed, his long fingers stretching to octaves in the left hand. It continued that way, the deeper tones of the lower keys almost discordant at times, wrestling, fighting for dominance. And then they stilled, as if a hush washed over them, and the melody wound down to a single, final note.... Tetelestai. The Greek word that meant It is finished floated into his head, bringing a calm to his mind along with a hint of grief. Endings could be both joy-filled and grief-filled. Endings were bittersweet.”
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “His mom had immediately texted back that she was on her way. Shortly after that, another text came through asking if he wanted her to come. He chuckled slightly. He knew his mom’s first instinct would be to show up immediately, but then he envisioned his dad calming her down and suggesting that maybe just showing up wouldn’t actually be that helpful.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

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