4 March 2024

“Wanted for Murder” (1946)

Wanted for Murder

Brief Description:

A classic Gothic thriller about the psychotic grandson of a Victorian-era hangman who copies him by strangling women and tries not to kill his new girlfriend.

(from Tubi)

Date: 1946

Genre: British crime film 

Running time: 1 hour 42 minutes 


Eric Portman (Victor)

Dulcie Gray (Anne)

Derek Farr (Jack)

Roland Culver (Conway)

Stanley Holloway (Sullivan)

Barbara Everest (Mrs. Colebrooke)

Bonar Colleano (Mappolo)

Jenny Laird (Jeannie)

Kathleen Harrison (Florrie)

Bill Shine (Ellis)

Viola Lyel (Mabel)

John Salew (Walters)

John Ruddock (Glover)

Edna Wood (Miss Kemp)

George Carney (Boat Rental Agent)

Wilfrid Hyde-White (Guide in Madame Tussaud’s)

Director: Lawrence Huntington

Production company: Excelsior Productions

Based on: Wanted for Murder by Terence De Marney & Percy Robinson

Wikipedia page

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(watched on Tubi)

Setting/Aesthetic/Feel: 4/5

Another classic 1940s films. I love that setting so much. And of course it’s London, and during the war, which is referenced slightly through things like soldiers everywhere, some of them foreign; or rationing, which causes people to finish unattended food, drink, and smokes. 

Characters: 4/5

Victor is… complex. I feel very sorry for him and like it’s not quite his fault. But I also think he refused to get any help, and he knew he was getting deeper into it. So I don’t know. I think it’s acted out quite well though. I quite liked Anne, and she was very fair and nice and honest, which is a huge relief! Jack is a great guy too, and was understanding of Anne’s wishes (something Victor wasn’t!). Conway was a great portrayal of the dry, clever inspector, and Sullivan was an amusing sidekick that wasn’t too dumb—Ellis, too. And I liked Mabel and Mrs. Colebrook, too… they were also well done. 

Plot: 4/5

You find out pretty early on who the bad guy is, but it’s very fun to see the cat-and-mouse game the Inspector and villain play—specially the coat scene. I enjoy the bits of humour scattered throughout, but it’s a more serious, sad film… the ending is pretty perfect in my opinion, but I do feel so sorry for Mrs. C! 

Romance: 4/5

Jack & Anne are the cutest! :) 

Content: 4/5 (low)

Smoking, drinking.

Violence: 4/5 (low)

Brief attempted onscreen murder. Partly onscreen murder (non-graphic, only choking heard). Mention by a guide at Mme Tussaud’s that someone “murdered her rival and the poor little baby.” 

Overall: 4/5

It’s rather a long film, but I haven’t much more to say that that… I like it, but it’s too saddening to rewatch often. It’s fascinating, though, hearing about the villain’s father and how they were both so heavily affected by their predecessor… 

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