20 May 2024

“I Heard the Bells” (2022)

 I Heard the Bells

Brief Description:

Known as America's Poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow leads an idyllic life...until the day his world is shattered by tragedy. With a nation divided by Civil War and his family torn apart, Henry puts down his pen, silenced by grief. But it's the sound of Christmas morning that reignites the poet's lost voice as he discovers the resounding hope of rekindled faith.

Date: 2022

Genre: Drama biographical family film 

Running time: 1 hour 50 minutes 


Stephen Atherholt (Longfellow)

Jonathan Blair (Charley)

Rachel Day Hughes (Fanny)

Zach Meeker (Ernest)

Carl Anderson (Josiah)

Jacob L.T Bates (Civilian on Porch)

Jared Frederick (Massachusetts Infantryman)

Jeremiah Hornbaker (Man at train station)

Daniel Stargel (Sumner)

Wes Wise (Richard)

Director: Joshua Enck

Production company: Sight & Sound 

IMDb page

Setting/Aesthetic/Feel: 5/5

Okay, so to be honest I watched this ages ago, back in March, with friends, and forgot to write a good review then. So I may have forgotten things. But I do remember I loved this! The setting was sooo 1850/60 and beautifulllll…. I loved the houses (and their details!) and the dresses, and the beautiful churches… it was amazing. 

Characters: 5/5

To be honest, I struggled with Longfellow’s character after he gave up on his kids. I realize the reason and empathize with him but he was their father. I felt a couple times that he could have exerted himself a little at certain places. I also felt the actor over-dramatized him at times? Be that as it may, he was a fantastic portrayal of a writer and this made me want to study up about him. And his arc was well done overall.

Fanny was the sweetest, prettiest, most amazing thing ever. <33 Enough said. 

Charles made me mad (hello, oldest sibling, YOU CAN’T JUST RUN FROM YOUR DUTY) but I couldn’t help linking him, overall. But my favourite was Ernest. HE WAS AMAZING. <33 Just an all-around amazing son and brother. Very, very responsible. 

Plot: 5/5

I don’t remember the plot all that well, but I remember absolutely LOVING the adorable home/daily life scenes (my heartttt) and then the drama ramped up during the Incident (which wasn’t too drawn out or too awful on screen, and fortunately I knew it was gonna happen or else I would have been SHATTERED) and the war and Longfellow’s depression and then the CLIMAX and the ending was sososososo well done and wrapped up perfectly and touched so many threads and YESSSSSS. 

Romance: 5/5

Fanny & Longfellow are the cutest thing ever. <3 

Theme/Message/Topics: 5/5

UGH YES! Okay, I need to read Longfellow. First of all, I love I Heard the Bells and The Children’s Hour and several other of his poems, which I already knew. But this one introduced me to some new ones, like “the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.” The messages on hope and forgiveness and Christmas and Christianity and salvation were all EPICCCCC and beautifully woven in. 

Favourite Quotes:

The world need poets, not politicians. 

Look not mournfully into the Past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and with a manly heart.

Content: 5/5 


Violence: 5/5 (low)

Mild war violence & wounds, nothing graphic. 

Overall: 5/5

One of my top favourite films ever and I need my own copy so I can watch it again and again. <33

*Review to be updated when I rewatch!

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