20 May 2024

“The Fox & the Hound” (1981)

The Fox & the Hound  

Brief Description:

A fox named Tod and a hound named Copper vow to be best friends forever. But as Copper grows into a hunting dog, their unlikely friendship faces the ultimate test.


Genre: American animated buddy drama film

Running time: 1 hour 23 minutes 


Mickey Rooney (Tod)
Keith Mitchell (Young Tod)
Kurt Russell (Copper)
Corey Feldman (Young Copper)
Pearl Bailey (Big Mama)
Jack Albertson (Amos Slade)
Sandy Duncan (Vixey)
Jeanette Nolan (Widow Tweed)
Pat Buttram (Chief)
John Fiedler (Porcupine)
John McIntire (Badger)
Dick Bakalyan (Dinky)
Paul Winchell (Boomer)

Director: Ted Berman, Richard Rich, & Art Stevens

Production company: Walt Disney Productions 

Based on: The Fox & the Hound by Daniel P. Mannix

Wikipedia page

Watch on Archive

Setting/Aesthetic/Feel: 3/5

Cute little American southern backwoods setting. :)

Characters: 3.5/5

Copper and Tod are nice enough fellows, and I like Widow Tweed, especially when she faces off Amos. He’s pretty nasty but the ending gives me hope for him. ;) Big Mama is nice, and D & B are so much fun. XD

Plot: 3.5/5

Meh. The first time I watched this, I was super disappointed because I thought it was a super sweet, sad film. It’s a comedic, dramatic film. The second time, I enjoyed the comedy but still felt the drama was through the roof, especially for a kids’ film. Though I understand why it’s there. I really like the subplot of Dinky, Boomer, and Squeaks though. 

Romance: 3/5

They’re cute. 

Theme/Message/Topics: 4/5

Letting go of friends after a certain season, even best friends… that touched me though. 

Content: 4/5 (low)

Mild language (gosh, darn, etc). 

Violence: 3/5 (medium)

Amos, Chief, & Copper are hunters; guns, traps, skinning, attacking, etc, galore. Plus a wild bear fight at the end. 

Overall: 3/5

It’s fun enough, it’s just not my favourite and I don’t know if I’ll rewatch it. 

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