20 May 2024

“The Man Who Invented Christmas” (2017)

The Man Who Invented Christmas 

Brief Description:

In 1843 London, author Charles Dickens finds himself in financial trouble after writing three unsuccessful novels in a row. Desperate for a hit, Dickens relies on real-life inspiration and his vivid imagination to bring Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim and other classic characters to life in “A Christmas Carol,” forever changing the holiday season into the celebration known today.

Date: 2017

Genre: Christmas biographical comedy-drama film 

Running time: 1 hour 44 minutes 


Dan Stevens (Dickens)

Ely Solan (Young Dickens)

Mark Schrier (Presenter)

Patrick Joseph Byrnes (Stage Manager)

Miriam Margolyes (Mrs. Fisk)

Morfydd Clark (Kate Dickens)

Justin Edwards (John Forster / Ghost of Christmas Present)

Cosimo Massimo Fusco (Signor Mazzini)

Jasper Hughes Cotter (Walter Dickens)

James Heffernan (Charley Dickens)

Aleah Lennon (Mary “Mamie" Dickens)

Ella Mai Delaney (Katey Dickens)

Donna Marie Sludds (Maid)

David McSavage (William Hall)

Ian McNeice (Edward Chapman)

Miles Jupp (Thackeray)

Pat Mooney (Garrick Club Waiter)

Anna Murphy (Tara / Ghost of Christmas Past)

Jonathan Pryce (Dickens’ father)

Ger Ryan (Dickens’ mother)

Sam McGillicuddy (Young Charles’ Brother)

Rory O’Neill (Young Charles’ Brother)

Nancy Quinney (Young Charles’ Sister)

Alanna Manning (Young Charles’ Sister)

Glynis Casson (Society Lady)

Amelia Crowley (Mrs. Grimsby)

Bill Paterson (Mr. Grimsby)

Derek Hanna (Toothless Man)

Derek O’Sullivan (Grave Digger)

John Delaney (Grave Digger)

Christopher Plummer (Scrooge)

Gerard Lee (Cleric)

Stephen Ball (Clerk)

Martin Philips (Pawn Broker)

Donald Sumpter (Haddock / Jacob Marley)

Kevin McCormack (Bailiff)

Aideen Wylde (Charlotte Wigmore)

Simon Callow (John Leech)

Katie McGuinness (Fanny Dickens / Mrs. Cratchit)

Marcus Lamb (Rev. Henry Burnett / Cratchit)

Pearse Kearney (Henry Jr. / Tiny Tim)

Paul Kealyn (Warren’s Foreman)

Richard Coombs (Punch / Judy)

Michael Judd (Pie Man)

Eddie Jackson (Scam Artist)

Anthony Morris (Newsagent)

John Henshaw (Butcher / Mr. Fezziwig)

Annette Badland (Butcher’s Wife / Mrs. Fezziwig)

Linda Gough (Charwoman)

Jack Gunning (Cratchit Child)

Christina Martina (Cratchit Child)

Ava May Taylor (Cratchit Child)

Adam Dolan (Warren’s Factory Boy)

Cameron Simpson (Poll)

Degnan Geraghty (Christmas Tree Vendor)

John Colleary (Constable Copperfield)

Sean Duggan (Mr. Grub)

James Daniel Wilson (Grip the Raven)

Desmond Bird (Lover)

Fabiano Roggio (Ghost of Christmas Future)

Franco Moscon (Nobleman)

Mark Quigley (Middle Class)

Roisin Whelan (Maid)

Samantha Kelly (Minor Role)

Séamus Hanly (Audience Member)

Valeria Bandino (Tart)

Director: Bharat Nalluri

Production company: Parallel Films & Rhombus Media

Based on: The Man Who Invented Christmas by Les Standiford

Wikipedia page

Setting/Aesthetic/Feel: 5/5

Another film I watched in March with friends, and it stayed with me for weeks. I LOVED THIS. The 1843 aesthetic is ON POINT! The flashbacks to the past were super well done and the home & warehouse fit the scenes so well (and I want Dickens’ study). 

Characters: 5/5

Okay, Dickens was the absolute best. Dan Stevens CARRIED this film. He was the perfect Dickens. Such an amusing guy—such a writer—and yet very deep and complex. I never expected the analyzation and exploration of his childhood traumas, and how it would affect not just his relationships but his life habits and his writing. The writing portrayal here was absolutely legendary. I have never seen writing portrayed so well in any film, maybe even any book! So many little things, like not being able to find the character until you had the right name… or how books stall because they hold a message you are figuring out yourself just then… it was amazing. So amazing. 5/4ths of my favourite part of the movie. (Yes, I mean 5/4ths). 

All the other actors were great and played splendid supporting roles. All-around amazing cast. 

Plot: 5/5

It was fantastic. Hilarious. Deep. So, so writerly. Historical. Just checked all the boxes and made me understand Dickens so much better. I don’t remember much about it anymore but I know I loved it. 

Romance: 4/5

I felt like the romance between Dickens & Kate was a little lacking—he was very dismissive—but he realized his issues and did try to work on them. 

Theme/Message/Topics: 5/5

The messages of forgiving, especially one’s parents for the past, and understanding people’s personalities—amazing. I don’t recall others but I remember being VERY well satisfied with the messages. 

Content: 4/5 (low)

I don’t remember anything but these are the few notes I have: 

Language (Da**ed; Bl**dy; G**’s teeth; G**’s sake; D**il ; G**). Champagne, mentions of fairies & ghosts, drinking. 

Violence: 5/5 (n/a)

I can’t recall. 

Overall: 5/5

I need this film. I need to rewatch it every year. I. love. it. so. crazy. much. I cannot wait to rewatch it someday—hopefully soon!!! 

*To be updated upon rewatch. 

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